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Old Dominion University--Faculty 33
Norfolk (Va.)--History--20th century 31
Norfolk (Va.)--Politics and government--20th century 29
Old Dominion University--History 28
Virginia--Politics and government 24
School integration--Massive resistance movement 17
Old Dominion University--Reports 14
Civic leaders--Virginia--Norfolk 12
Music--United States--20th century 12
Hampton Roads (Va.)--History--20th century 11
letters (correspondence) 11
City council members--Virginia--Norfolk 10
Public schools--Virginia--Norfolk 9
School integration--Virginia--Norfolk--History--20th century 9
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 9
World War, 1939-1945--Veterans 9
College of William and Mary. Norfolk Division--Student life 8
Hampton Roads (Va. : Region) 8
Old Dominion University--Alumni and alumnae 8
Old Dominion University--History--20th century 8
Race relations--History--20th century 8
Segregation in education--Virginia--Norfolk 8
World War, 1939-1945 8
College publications--Virginia--Norfolk 7
Families--Virginia--History--19th century 7
Lawyers--Virginia--Norfolk 7
Old Dominion University--Student life 7
United States. Navy--Officers 7
photographs 7
African Americans--Education--Virginia--Norfolk 6
Old Dominion College--Student life 6
Old Dominion University--Administrators 6
United States--Politics and government--20th century 6
Virginia--Genealogy 6
minutes (administrative records) 6
Artists--United States 5
College of William and Mary. Norfolk Division--Faculty 5
Families--Virginia--History--20th century 5
Legislators--Virginia--Hampton Roads 5
Old Dominion University--Student organizations 5
Orchestral music--Virginia 5
Virginia--Politics and government--1865-1950 5
scrapbooks 5
African Americans--Civil rights 4
Businessmen--Virginia--Norfolk 4
Gay rights--United States--History--20th century 4
Mayors--Virginia--Norfolk 4
Old Dominion University--Commencement 4
Old Dominion University--Fraternities 4
Old Dominion University. School of Business Administration 4
School closings--Virginia--Norfolk 4
Vocal Music--20th century 4
World War, 1914-1918 4
African Americans--Segregation 3
Arts--Virginia 3
College of William and Mary. Norfolk Division--Student organizations 3
Confederate States of America. Army 3
Creative writing 3
Democratic Party (Va.) 3
Distance education 3
Equality 3
Hampton Roads (Va.)--Photographs 3
Housing--Virginia--Norfolk 3
Old Dominion University--Buildings and grounds 3
Old Dominion University--Sororities 3
Old Dominion University--Sports 3
Old Dominion University--Statistics 3
Orchestral musicians--Virginia 3
School integration--Law and legislation--United States--Cases 3
Segregation in education--Virginia--History--20th century 3
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Naval operations 3
United States. Navy--History 3
Universities and colleges--Administration 3
Women's rights 3
programs (documents) 3
African Americans--History 2
Arts--Virginia--Hampton Roads (Region) 2
Athletics 2
Authors--United States 2
Baritone (Musical instrument) 2
Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka 2
Businesses--Virginia--Norfolk 2
Busing for school integration--Virginia--Norfolk 2
College of William and Mary. Norfolk Division--History 2
College of William and Mary. Norfolk Division--Sports 2
Composers 2
Equal rights amendments--United States 2
Families--New England--History--19th century 2
Festivals in literature 2
Gadfly literary magazine (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Va.) 2
Gay people--United States--History--20th century. 2
Hampton Roads (Va. : Region)--History, Military 2
Hampton Roads (Va.)--Maps 2
Housing--United States 2
Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition (1907) 2
Journalists--United States 2
Korean War, 1950-1953--Veterans 2
Lectures and lecturing--Virginia--Norfolk--History--20th century 2
Norfolk (Va.)--Intellectual life--20th century 2
Old Dominion College--History 2
Old Dominion University 56
College of William and Mary. Norfolk Division 16
Virginia. General Assembly 13
Old Dominion College 11
Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates 10
Old Dominion University. Department of English 8
Old Dominion University. Board of Visitors 6
Old Dominion University. Department of Women's Studies 6
Virginia Symphony 6
Old Dominion University. Department of Art 5
Old Dominion University. Department of History 5
Norfolk College of William and Mary 4
Norfolk School Board (Norfolk, Va.) 4
United States. Navy 4
Virginia Opera Association 4
Virginia. General Assembly. Senate 4
Eastern Virginia Medical School 3
Howell, Henry E. (Henry Evans) (1920-1997) 3
Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority 3
Old Dominion University. Department of Music 3
Old Dominion University. Human Resources 3
Old Dominion University. Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs 3
United States. Congress. House 3
Women's Council for Interracial Cooperation (Norfolk, Va.) 3
College of William and Mary. Board of Visitors 2
Cox, Lawrence Morgan, Sr. (1912-2002) 2
Diehn, Fr. L. (Friedrich Ludwig) (1910-1995) 2
Frank, Willard C., Jr. (1936-2011) 2
Lesley, Everett Parker, Jr. (1913-1982) 2
Lyric Opera of Virginia 2
MacArthur Memorial 2
MacArthur, Douglas 2
Mason, Vivian Carter (1900-1982) 2
Maury High School (Norfolk, Va.) 2
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 2
Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences (Va.) 2
Old Dominion College. Board of Visitors 2
Old Dominion University. Darden School of Education 2
Old Dominion University. Department of Business Administration 2
Old Dominion University. Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice 2
Old Dominion University. Intercollegiate Athletics 2
Old Dominion University. Libraries 2
Old Dominion University. Libraries. F. Ludwig Diehn Composers Room 2
Old Dominion University. Office of Alumni Relations 2
Old Dominion University. Office of Continuing Education 2
Old Dominion University. Office of University Events 2
Old Dominion University. Office of the Vice President for University Advancement 2
Old Dominion University. School of Business Administration 2
Old Dominion University. School of Continuing Education 2
Old Dominion University. Vice President for Administration and Finance 2
Old Dominion University. Women's Caucus 2
Old Dominion University. Women's Center 2
Phillips, George Conoly (1931-2020) 2
Robertson, Pat (1930-) 2
Ross, Walter (1936-) 2
Strong, Fred (1952-) 2
Sweeney, James R. 2
Town-N-Gown (Norfolk, Va.) 2
United States. Supreme Court 2
Virginia Commonwealth University 2
Whitehurst, G. William (1925-) 2
Whittle family 2
Yaco, Sonia (1957-) 2
39th Georgia Regiment 1
AIDS Fund, Inc. 1
Abbott, Carl (1944-) 1
Adams, Clifford L. (1915-1999) 1
Ainsworth family 1
Aison, Howard B. (Howard Bertram) (1920-1997) 1
Alan B. Shepard Convention Center (Virginia Beach, Va.) 1
Allen family 1
Allen-Johnson family 1
Ambrose, Herbert 1
American Association of Retired Persons. Virginia 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Association of University Women. Norfolk Branch 1
American Basketball Association 1
American Physical Therapy Association 1
American Red Cross 1
American String Teachers Association 1
Anderson, Allen (Allen L.) 1
Andrews, Mason Cooke (1919-2006) 1
Ansel, Walter C. (1897-1977) 1
Armstead family 1
Assembly on the Dimensions of Hunger and Malnutrition 1
Association for the Promotion of New Music 1
Association of Writers & Writing Programs 1
Babalas, Peter K. (1922-1987) 1
Bachus family 1
Bader, Eleanor J. (1922-2013) 1
Bank of Chambersburg (Franklin, Pa.) 1
Banks, Benjamin A. (1884-1974) 1
Baptist Student Union 1
Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor) (1810-1891) 1
Barron, James S. (1875-1941) 1
Beatty, Elie 1
Bell, Walter Herman (1900-1982) 1
Berent, Irwin M. 1
Beta Sigma Phi 1
Blank, Allan (1925-2013) 1

1907 Jamestown Exposition, St. Paul's Episcopal Church Records

Collection ID: MG 89

Consists of material related to the first Episcopal Church in North America, which was exhibited in the 1907 Exposition.

Dates: 1907-1908; Other: Date acquired: 05/14/2007

Carl Abbott Papers

Collection ID: RG 17-5B7

Small collection focusing on materials used by Carl Abbott who taught history at Old Dominion University from 1972 to 1978.

Dates: 1958-1977, undated; Other: Date acquired: 03/10/2012

Clifford L. Adams Papers

Collection ID: RG 2-14B1

Clifford L. Adams was a physics professor and the director of the Office of Research and Grant Administration from its creation in 1966 until 1974 at Old Dominion University. This collection consists of material he created and collected during his tenure as director.

Dates: 1966-1974

Vice President for Administration and Finance Records

Collection ID: RG 8-1A
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of records pertaining to the Office of Administration and Finance at Old Dominion University. Included in the collection are ledgers of the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary from 1930 to 1941, various building and construction projects, and other subject files related to the Office of Administration and Finance.

Dates: 1930-2018

Howard Bertram Aison Papers

Collection ID: MG 61

Aison was a career Army officer who served in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. This collection primarily relates to his service in these wars. Includes correspondence, photographs, citations, orders, diaries and recollections, unit histories, artifacts, and maps.

Dates: circa 1918-1964, undated; Other: Date acquired: 06/22/1999

W. Gerald Akers Papers

Collection ID: RG 17-4B4
Content Description

Contains yearbooks, photos, and news clippings related to Gerald Akers, an early professor at the Norfolk Division of William & Mary.

Dates: 1922-1993

Allen-Johnson Family Papers

Collection ID: MG 48

Family resided in Maine. Contains correspondence, genealogical material, receipts, a ledger book, and newspapers clippings.

Dates: 1838-1947, undated; Other: Date acquired: 08/22/1980

Herbert Ambrose Letters

Collection ID: MG 133
Scope and Contents

The collection includes letters written by Sergeant Herbert Ambrose while he worked in the 506 United States Army Infantry Postal Unit during World War II. Most of the letters are written by Ambrose to his parents about his daily life from various locations throughout the war including Boston, Scotland, Southern England, France, and Germany.

Dates: 1942-1945; Other: Date acquired: 08/24/2018

American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Records

Collection ID: RG 36-10A

This collection includes meeting minutes, reports, and correspondences. Organization documents include petitions, resolutions, the constitution and by-laws of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). The collection has information on the AAUP on a local, state level but also contains material on national level activities.

Dates: 1960-1983

American Association of University Women, Norfolk Branch (AAUW) Records

Collection ID: MG 74

The AAUW is a national organization that promotes education and equity for all women and girls. The Norfolk Branch began as a college club in 1902, then joined the AAUW in 1921. The collection spans the years 1902 to 1999 and includes meeting minutes, annual reports, publications, information about branch activities and scrapbooks.

Dates: circa 1902-2000, undated; Other: Date acquired: 04/28/2000

Mason C. Andrews Papers

Collection ID: MG 62

Physician, former city council member and mayor of Norfolk. Served on Norfolk city council from 1974 to 2000 and as the city’s mayor from 1992-1994. Was instrumental in the development of the Eastern Virginia Medical School complex and the redevelopment of downtown Norfolk. The collection includes personal, business, and political papers.

Dates: circa 1777-2010, undated; Other: Date acquired: 10/14/1998; Majority of material found within 1950-1990

Walter C. Ansel Papers

Collection ID: MG 29

Collection deals primarily with Admiral Walter C. Ansel's research on German operations during World War II resulting in two books, Hitler Confronts England and Hitler and the Middle Sea. Of note is extensive correspondence with German officers, many of which are in German.

Dates: circa 1917-1974, undated; Other: Date acquired: 04/25/1978

Albert S. Armentrout Collection

Collection ID: RG 39-9
Content Description

This collection consists of an Old Dominion College athletic booster pin, bumper sticker, and academic hood, as well as a business card for Albert S. Armentrout, class of 1969.

Dates: 1965-2009

Associated Writers Program Records

Collection ID: RG 17-32A
Scope and Contents

The collection contains brochures, newsletters, job listings and degree catalogs pertaining to the Associated Writers Program and their connection to Old Dominion University. The Associated Writers Program attempted to aid writers through contests based on poetry, nonfiction, novel and short fiction. The collection holds several brochures announcing the winner’s names and published work.

Dates: 1980-1993

Peter Kostas Babalas Papers

Collection ID: MG 17

Represented the 5th District in the Virginia State Senate from 1967-1987. Collection primarily relates to his service in the State Senate from 1972-1979.

Dates: 1943-1979, undated; Other: Date acquired: 04/25/1977

Eleanor J. Bader Papers

Collection ID: MG 107
Abstract Chronicling the family and personal life, education, career, and community involvement of Eleanor J. Bader. Career includes work with the Delaware Curative Workshop, the National Easter Seal Society, and the Social Security Administration. Community involvment includes membership and volunteer work for the Virginia Opera, the Virginia Symphony, Cancer Care Foundation of Tidewater, WHRO, and many other professional and civic organizations in Virginia and Delaware. Materials in the collection...
Dates: circa 1922-2013, undated; Other: Date acquired: 04/10/2010

Benjamin A. Banks Papers

Collection ID: MG 6

Lawyer and prominent member of the Norfolk Jewish community. Served on the Norfolk Board of Aldermen (1908-1911) and in the Virginia House of Delegates (1911-1913). Active in local, state and national politics. Includes personal and political correspondence, scrapbooks, letters to the editor, and photographs.

Dates: 1855-1974; Other: Date acquired: 05/18/1976

James S. Barron Letters

Collection ID: MG 137
Scope and Contents This collection consists of two letters written to James S. Barron, a Virginia State Senator representing Norfolk. The first letter, dated 1913, is from the African-American men of the Bank Street Baptist Church thanking him for his service on his birthday. Also included is an autographed signed letter to Barron from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt thanking him for sending photographs of Confederate States of America ships. The collection contains both the original and a copy of each...
Dates: 1913, 1937; Other: Date acquired: 08/28/2019

Elie Beatty Papers

Collection ID: MG 22
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of letters and financial transactions related to Elie Beatty, a cashier at the Hagerstown Bank.

Dates: 1814-1847; Other: Date acquired: 06/05/1977

Walter Herman Bell Papers

Collection ID: RG 17-4B1
Scope and Contents

The collection contains letters and photographs pertaining to Walter Herman Bell and his relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B. Smith.

Dates: 1962-1970, undated; Other: Date acquired: 03/07/1980